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Thank you for your interest in joining us for the High Holy Days at Hamakom. Non-member tickets include open seating for all Sanctuary Instrumental High Holy Day services. However, they do not include seating for the Non-Instrumental Services in the Chapel, as space is limited and reserved for members. 


Non-member tickets cost $360, and tickets for children aged 5-17 cost $100. Tickets ordered by September 20th will be mailed to you. 


On Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur Day, there will be Babysitting, a Kids Program, and a Teen Program available for children of adults attending services on campus. Please register for these programs from those specific pages by Sept. 20.


Kol Nidre

Non-Members are welcome to attend either service on Kol Nidre

All services on Kol Nidre take place in the Sanctuary. The 6:00 pm service is the Non-Instrumental Service, which will be led by Rabbi Camras, Rabbi Vogel, Rabbi Mendelson and Hazzan Emeritus Stein. The 8:15 pm service is the Instrumental Service led by Rabbi Camras, Rabbi Vogel, Rabbi Mendelson, Cantor Asher and Hazzan Mimi. 

Kol Nidre services will start promptly at their designated times, so please arrive early to allow yourself enough time to park and pass through security. 


We hope you enjoy our services and the warmth of our community. If you choose to become a member of Hamakom after the holidays, the cost of your tickets will be applied toward your membership.


Click here for the High Holy Days 5785 Service Schedule

High Holy Days 5785 Non-Member Ticket Order Form

If you are a Hamakom member, please visit the Member Ticket page to reserve your seats for the High Holy Days.

Contact Information

Ticket Ordering

Ticket Distribution

Please confirm your total is correct and click the Submit button below to complete your order.


Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784