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Release of Liability Form

If you would like to help deliver Thinking of You (TOY) bags, please fill out the waiver here.

Community Outreach / Social Action

The Community Outreach Committee facilitates programs which encourage and enable members of HAMAKOM to become involved and make a difference in the community at large at the local, regional, national, and international levels.


For more information about our Community Outreach efforts or to volunteer your help, complete the “show you care” form or contact Heather Binder at (818) 854-7155 or

Volunteering at HAMAKOM

Volunteers are always needed for our programs, such as passing out candy at Shabbat and the High Holy Days, mischloach manot bag assembly, stuffing mailers, running booths at the Purim Carnival and more! For more information about volunteering opportunities, complete the Volunteer Interest Form


Mitzvah Day

Join us for this meaningful day of action held each year on the first Sunday in November. In 2024, Mitzvah Day will be on November 3rd.


Community Service

We're happy to offer community service hours for those looking to earn them!  Please email for upcoming opportunities.


Monthly Lunch Making

We are collecting and delivering sack lunches to homeless shelters the 2nd Tuesday of every month.  

To do this mitzvah at home:
1.    Put on gloves and a mask.
2.    Decorate and write a note on the outside of the paper lunch bag (optional).
3.    Make PBJ sandwiches (alternate butter is fine if you have a nut allergy) and put in silver foil, saran wrap or ziplock bag.
4.     Pack the sandwich with a napkin, fruit, water and snack like chips.
5.    Drop off by the main entrance between 9:00-10:30 a.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and we will take care of delivery.


Jewish World Watch

HAMAKOM has been a proud member of Jewish World Watch (an organization dedicated to bringing an end to genocide in the world) since its inception in 2005. We proudly participate in activities and events throughout the year to raise money and awareness about genocide around the world and to remind ourselves and others to not stand idly by.

Click here to learn more about our Jewish World Watch efforts.


2Nurture: Supporting Foster Families Together

Second Nurture creates circles of compassion and  support for foster families so that they are held, resilient and successful—and kids have the loving, growthful relationships and resources they need to thrive. 

Each month, families enjoy a hot meal, engage in fun arts and crafts, and spend time on the playground with their children, while parents have the opportunity to meet with a social worker for support and connection. This program exemplifies the values of care and kindness that Hamakom strives to embody. We are grateful to everyone who contributes to making 2Nurture a welcoming and supportive space for these families.


If you are interested in volunteering with our 2Nurture families, please reach out to Rabbi Mendelson at Our next meeting will be on Sunday, December 15th at 12:30pm. Volunteers of all ages are welcome. 

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785