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Scholar in Residence: Ben M. Freeman

Friday, March 1st thru Sunday, March 3rd
HAMAKOM South Campus: 6025 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Founder of the modern Jewish Pride movement, Scottish-born Ben M. Freeman's inspiring and empowering work focuses on Jewish identity and historical and contemporary Jew-hatred. A Holocaust scholar for over fifteen years, Ben came to prominence during the Corbyn Labour Jew-hate crisis in the UK and quickly became one of his generation’s leading Jewish thinkers and voices against Jew-hate. He was voted number 8 on the inaugural 25 Young ViZionaries list by The Jerusalem Post and JNF-USA. He is also a Diplomat for the World Jewish Congress, a Research Fellow for the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism Policy, and a columnist for The Jerusalem Post.

He is the author of two books, Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People and Reclaiming our Story: The Pursuit of Jewish Pride

FRIDAY, March 1st:
6:00pm - Zamru Musical Shabbat Service
7:00pm - Shabbat Dinner (meal registration is closed, see below for waitlist details)
This Shabbat evening service, dinner, and program is intended for adults AND youth. Teens will be seated with Ben during dinner to share their experiences and concerns during this time of rising antisemitism and to dialogue with him about Jewish pride.
8:00pm - Ben M. Freeman: The Meaning of Jewish Pride
This program will be moderated by Rabbi Vogel.

SATURDAY, March 2nd:
9:30am - Shira Service
9:45am - Neshama Service
12:00pm - Kiddush Luncheon
12:45pm - Ben M Freeman: Fighting Antisemitism in the Media and Online with Jewish Pride
This program will be moderated by Rabbi Camras and will take place in the sanctuary and will be streamed online.

SUNDAY, March 3rd:
9:00am - Morning Minyan
9:45am - Ben M. Freeman: Jewish Pride Today, Tomorrow, and Forever (Includes Breakfast and Book Signing)
(meal registration is closed, see below for waitlist details)
Enjoy breakfast with Ben in this informal session to discuss Jewish Pride throughout the ages and the Jewish connection to the land of Israel as well as to ask any questions that might have come up during the weekend.
This program will be moderated by Rabbi Mendelson.

To purchase the book "Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People," click here.
To purchase the book "Reclaiming Our Story: The Pursuit of Jewish Pride," click here.

RSVP below.

Scholar in Residence Weekend Registration

Registration for Scholar in Residence is still OPEN!

Registration for the meals on Friday and Sunday are closed. Please email Emily Ferro at if you would like to be added to the waitlist for either of the meals.
♦ March 1: Friday night dinner at 7pm
♦ March 3: Sunday breakfast at 9:45am
   Please Select One
   March 1 - 8pm Program ONLY - Free
   March 2 - 12:45pm Program ONLY - Free
   March 2 - Kiddush Lunch and Program - FreePlease let us know which programs you will be attending.*
(*All programs providing food require registration)
If you are attending any of our Scholar in Residence Meals, please let us know your dietary preferences (ex: vegan, gluten-free, allergic to nuts, etc.).
Payment should only appear if registering for the Friday Shabbat Dinner.


Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784