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A camp-style after school program for TK through 5th grade

Enrollment for The Spot is now open for the 2024-25 school year.

Learn more and enroll by visiting:

Register / Enroll for your spot

Starting August 2024, your TK (over the age of 4 years and 9 months) to 5th-grade child can make Jewish friends, learn about Jewish culture, complete homework, and have tons of fun every weekday afternoon at The Spot After School program right here at HAMAKOM!

HAMAKOM is one of eight synagogues around the country to receive a Jewish After School Accelerator Grant to develop this successful and exciting model of Jewish after-school programming.

At The Spot, your child will receive the highest level of afternoon care 2 to 5 days a week, with their choice of activities infused with Jewish values and Hebrew. Our goal is for Judaism to come alive for your child by not just learning about it but by experiencing the joys and wonder of being Jewish.  And while we are at it, we will make sure homework gets completed and your child receives nutritional snacks - all this and tons of fun in an upbeat camp-like environment!


Monday thru Thursday 2:30 - 6:00 PM, Friday 2:30 - 5:00 PM

5, 4, 3, or 2 days a week

Time for YOU to get stuff done, work without afternoon disruptions, or homework stress


  • Van pickup at selected schools
  • Meaningful
  • Jewish cultural & Hebrew learning, homework help, healthy snacks, and a fun, playful environment

Learn more and enroll by visiting:

The Spot is the place where kids make magical Jewish memories after school!

Sun, March 30 2025 1 Nisan 5785